Venue for Creative Writing Youth Group in Hackney

To cover the costs of the 6 week project (venue hire) for young people to access Creative Writing Project 'WriterznScribez'

About the Project Leader
Funding and Support
About this Project

I'm Jemilea, Project Leader

Jemilea Mendez-WisdomAcceptance Markverified

Poet, Author with an MA in Applied Anthropology, Community and Youth Work. Sucessfully project managed a number of youth focused projects for a voluntary organisation. Passionate about giving young people a voice and empowering them.

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Venue for Creative Writing Youth Group in Hackney

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Project headlines

  • To make the project happen we needed to raise a total of £213.50
  • £213.50 was contributed by 12 individuals.

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Updates by Leader

"We've reached our GOAL! Thank you to everyone that has supported and donated! The project is currently in its 5th week of delivery and we will be holding a Showcase Event on 16th March which you are all welcome to attend! Tickets are only £3 and can be purchased at "

1:14pm Monday 25th February

These people have supported:


These people have contributed:

Barret Stanboulian, Gavin Meany, Fiona Freed, Amy Ruffell, david nath, Nicola Hill, MICHAEL TIMNEY, Judean Hallier, Samantha Edwards, Rocio Corrales, Flavia Taylor, Wasim Riaz

This project in more detail

‘Writerz n Scribez’ is a project that aims to create an arena to develop the ability for free expression. It aims to promote lyricism to the masses allowing young people to carry the torch of creativity. Our focus is to craft relevant expressions through inner voices externally spoken; providing a platform to imaginatively articulate these experiences. Fusing passionate artists with young people, it encourages and challenges both parties to share writing styles and techniques; igniting a love for lyricism in a plethora of complimentary ways. The project involves weekly two hour workshops for six weeks. Young people in the project will experience creative writing workshops run by differing artists (rappers, performance poets, spoken word artists, scriptwriters and songwriters) to increase their awareness, knowledge and enjoyment of writing. These workshops will also improve confidence and stage presence while enhancing performance skills.

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